Flexplaces for rent
Working in a flexible place
Our flexile workstations are nicely furnished workstations where you can work independently in peace and quiet or - if you wish - also receive visitors. Of course you will have access to a fast internet connection. You can even rent these workstations by the hour. Please contact our reception for more information.
Flex office
Many enthusiastic entrepreneurs would like to take the step of renting their own office space, but postpone the decision for financial reasons. With Business Centre's FLEX Office contract you can flexibly rent office space or meeting rooms when you need them, and you can also register your company with the Chamber of Commerce at our address. This allows you to keep business and private life separate. No home visits, packages are picked up for you and you create a professional image towards your (potential) relations. Because you share the space, the costs remain limited while you can still make use of all the facilities within Business Centre.
In addition to your workspace, Business Centre also offers free parking, a well-stocked canteen, a central reception area and fiberglass internet. Do you need secretarial or administrative support, but do not wish to employ a secretary yourself? Then you can make use of our secretarial services for a fee. We can also answer your telephone for you.