Concentrated work from home is sometimes difficult. Especially when there are children around. What's more, it's nice to be able to keep work and private life really separate. Reason enough for Bjorn Neven, who advises companies and governments on the maintenance of factories and bridges through Care 4 Maintenance, to choose an office at Business Centre Breda.
"My business has been around since 2011, but in 2013 I made the move to rent office space at Business Centre. I made this choice mainly because I wanted to be able to work quietly, which is not always a given with three growing children at home. I therefore opted for the productivity of an external location and the flexible options that Business Centre offers me. It turned out to be a good move, because I can now separate work and private life better. At the office I can concentrate on my work, at home I am truly free and can devote all my attention to my family."
Business Centre services
"The nice thing about Business Centre is the fact that they offer all sorts of services that are not included in the rent, but that you can still take advantage of if you want. It's very transparent. For example, I don't use the telephone service. But knowing that it's available if I need it is nice. Sometimes I do make use of the secretarial services for copying, printing or research work and I am very satisfied with that."
Delivering packages and receiving customers
"Another big advantage to renting office space at Business Centre is that I can have packages delivered there. There is always someone at the reception to take a package, so I don't have to be there myself. And the fact that I can receive guests in a building where I know my way around, with equipment that I can operate effortlessly, is nice. Nothing is as annoying as trying to get the beamer to work in an unfamiliar building. My office in Business Centre really feels like my own place, where I can invite business contacts and where the atmosphere is friendly and open."