BD Lease
All affiliated team members of leasing company BD Lease use the telephone service of Business Centre. Marc Hessels uses it to his great satisfaction.
"Like all the team members at BD Lease, I work from home. I can normally be reached by mobile phone, but if I can't for a while - for example, during vacations or when I'm in a meeting - I switch my phone through and an operator from Business Centre takes calls. I also have my own 088 number at Business Centre."
Name, telephone number and reason for call
Outside of the vacation periods it happens about three times a week that Business Centre takes a call from Marc. "What I really like is that they not only ask who called and on what number he or she can be reached, but they also ask what the call is about. This information is emailed to me and so I can decide if I need to give the call a lot of urgency or if it can also wait an hour."
Friendly operator
Marc himself, as well as his clients and associates, are very appreciative of Business Centre's telephone operators. "They answer the phone on behalf of my company, so it is important that they are friendly to my customers. In that sense it is a kind of business card. All the employees are very friendly and helpful, so I am very satisfied with this service from Business Centre."